描述Dual-Loop, Digital, 16-Phase Controller with PWM-VID Interface for NVIDIA

The MP2891 is a dual-rail, digital, multi-phase controller that provides power for NVIDIA PWMVID core power. The MP2891 can work with MPS’s Intelli-PhaseTM products to complete the multi-phase voltage regulator (VR) solution with minimal external components. The MP2891 can be configured for up to a maximum of 16 phases on rail 1, and a maximum of 8 phases on rail 2.

The MP2891 stores and restores device configurations. Device configurations and fault parameters can be easily configured or monitored. The MP2891 can monitor and report the output current (IOUT) by sensing the current-sense output of Intelli-PhaseTM devices.

The MP2891 is based on a unique, digital, multi-phase, nonlinear control to provide a fast transient response to the load transient with minimal output capacitors. With only one power loop control method for both steady state and load transient, the power loop compensation is simple to configure.

The MP2891 is available in a QFN-56 (7mmx7mm) package.