品牌 |
分类压力传感器 |
描述双满量程(1260 hPa和4060 hPa)绝对数字输出气压计,带Qvar检测功能,采用防水封装 |
产品概述 描述The ILPS28QSW is an ultracompact, piezoresistive, absolute pressure sensor that functions as a digital output barometer, supporting dual full-scale up to user-selectable 4060 hPa. The device comprises a sensing element and an IC interface that communicates over the I²C or MIPI I3CSM interface from the sensing element to the application. The ILPS28QSW provides lower power consumption, achieving lower pressure noise than its predecessor. The ILPS28QSW embeds an analog hub sensing functionality that is able to connect an analog input and convert it to a digital signal for embedded processing. In addition, an embedded Qvar (electric charge variation detection) channel can be enabled for sensing in applications such as water-leak detection, tap, double tap, long press, and L/R - R/L swipe. The ILPS28QSW is available in a ceramic LGA package with metal lid. It is guaranteed to operate over a temperature range extending from -40 °C to +105°C. The package is holed to allow external pressure to reach the sensing element. Gel inside the IC protects the electrical components from water and the metal cap is, optionally, connected to ground or left floating electrically in the application PCB layout. The connection of the metal cap is determined according to the customer’s target application. 所有功能